Goal-Setting Retreat

We are excited to announce 2024's Goal Setting Retreat – two days in mid November when we gather virtually to look at our year and set goals for the coming year.

We listened to the feedback from last year, and although people loved the content delivered by seasoned coaches, the price of the event was too high for many people. We've made some changes this year to lower the price and still deliver a high-value event.

  • The goal-setting retreat will be two days, November 10 and 11 (Sunday and Monday) from 8 PT to 11:30 the first day, noon the second.
  • We will put coaches into small groups based on their genre and business "level" and seasoned coaches will host those groups, who we will invite and hire based on the number of people who sign up and the types of people who sign up.
  • In the small groups, you will analyze your business, set your goals, and decide on the tactics you need to move forward.
  • In the large group with Jennie, there will be hot-seat coaching sessions (similar to what we do in the Business Accountability calls, but this will be whole-business problem-solving.)
  • The goal is to set clear goals for the year and determine how best to meet your goals.
  • We are keeping the $25 price point for the core content (that content is unchanged from last year) in order to keep that material accessible. The price for the two-day live event (which includes the videos, worksheets, and 6 hours of live workshopping with Jennie and in small groups with seasoned book coach leaders) will be $249.
    • Early bird pricing will be $199.

For those who already purchased the content last year, but wish to attend the live event, the fee will be $224. Early bird pricing for this group is $174. Email [email protected] for the coupon for this special price.

We will only run the Goal Setting Retreat if a minimum of 10 coaches sign up. We will make the decision about whether to go forward on October 1, 2024.

Your Instructor

Author Accelerator
Author Accelerator

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course is open now, and remain open indefinitely.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Get started now!