Writers looking to land an agent and traditional publishing deal: Have you started writing your book proposal? Are you worried about whether your proposal will entice agents? Do you even know where to start?
The driving force behind your book proposal is the query letter. Its main goal is to get the agent to request additional materials. Many agents receive hundreds of queries every day. They evaluate them very quickly, and dismiss them very quickly.
Join Jennie Nash as she teaches you how to write a query letter that gets agents' attention. You'll break down the query letter into its foundational elements, perfecting each part to make the whole query sing. This class is applicable to writers of any genre, fiction or nonfiction.
Jennie Nash is the founder and CEO of Author Accelerator, a company on a mission to lead the emerging book coaching industry. Author Accelerator has trained more than 200 book coaches in both fiction and nonfiction through their Book Coach Certification Program. Jennie’s own book coaching clients have landed top New York agents and six-figure book deals with traditional publishing houses such as Penguin, Scribner, Simon & Schuster, and Hachette, and won dozens of national indie book awards. Client KJ Dell’Antonia’s book, The Chicken Sisters, became an instant New York Times bestseller and Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick in 2020. In 2021, client Jenn Lim’s book, Beyond Happiness, became a Wall Street Journal bestseller. Jennie is the author of 12 books in 3 genres. The most recent is Blueprint for a Book: Build Your Novel from the Inside Out. Visit her at jennienash.com, bookcoaches.com, and authoraccelerator.com.